Gas South Convention Center
THURSDAY, February 27th
Presenting Partner
Awards Sponsor: $10,000 (two available)
- Sponsor the high school or middle school first place award winners advancing to the Georgia Science Engineering Fair in Athens, GA
- Opportunity for company CEO to congratulate award winners at special awards ceremony in March.
- Opportunity to promote organizational opportunities for students on screens (i.e. scholarships, camps, programs, via 1 min video or advertisement. Company to provide video)
- Verbal and logo recognition on website with hyperlink to video or website, event program, event signage, sponsor loop digital screens, etc.
- Opportunity to provide “swag” to participating students (1500 items)
- Opportunity for one company representative to host a breakout session
- Company banner displayed (company to provide banner)
- Invitation for three (3) company representatives to attend VIP lunch
Two Opportunities Available: One Award Partner for Middle School (sold) and One Award Partner for High School level.
Impact Sponsor: $5500 (Multiple Available)
- Provide a student award in sponsors name (sponsor must select winner and criteria- i.e. top scoring mechanical engineering project) *Company representatives are invited to present the award at a special awards ceremony. Sponsorship includes a $500 scholarship for students.
- Opportunity to promote organizational opportunities for students on screens (i.e. scholarships, camps, programs, via 1 min video or advertisement. Company to provide video)
- Sponsor Name and Link to 30 sec video on digital event Sponsor Page
- Verbal and logo recognition on website with hyperlink to video or website, event program, event signage, sponsor loop digital screens, etc.
- Opportunity to host a STEM Experience Workshop
- Opportunity to provide “swag” to participating students (1500 items)
- Company banner displayed (company to provide banner)
- Invitation for three (3) company representatives to attend VIP lunch
Innovation Sponsor: $3000 (MULTIPLE AVAILABLE)
- Provide a Special Award and Scholarship. Sponsor must select winner and criteria- i.e. top scoring mechanical engineering project. *Company representatives are invited to present the award at a special awards ceremony. Sponsorship includes a $500 scholarship for students.
- Opportunity to promote organizational opportunities for students on screens at Award Ceremony (i.e. scholarships, camps, programs, via slide. Company to provide content/slide)
- Verbal and Logo recognition on website, event program, event signage, award video, student swag bag
- Opportunity to provide “swag” to participating students (1500 items)
- Sponsor Name and link to 30 sec video(provided by company) on Sponsor Page
Ignite Sponsor: $1000 (MULTIPLE AVAILABLE)
- Logo recognition on website, event program, event signage, award video, student swag bag
- Sponsor Name and Link to 30 sec video on digital event Sponsor Page
- Opportunity to provide “swag” to participating students (approx. 1500)
S.T.E.M. Workshop Sponsor: $3000
- Breakout Sessions sponsored by Company Name (Branded STEM Experience Workshop web page
- Branded Breakout Session signage and digital signage
- Opportunity to give a 1-min welcome message (video recording)
- Sponsor Name and Link to 30 sec video on digital event Sponsor Page
- Logo recognition on website, event program, event signage, award video, student swag bag
- Opportunity to provide “swag” to participating students (1000 items)
- Opportunity to host a breakout session
ACTIVITY Sponsor: $1000
- STEM activity sponsored by (Company Name) *Students complete activities while waiting to be judged and during lunch.
- Sponsor name and Link to 30 sec video on digital event sponsor page
- Logo and verbal recognition at event.
STUDENT GIFT Sponsor: $1000
- Student gift sponsored by (Company Name). Co-Branded logo on swag gift that students receive at event.
- Company may procure 1500 gift items (item must be approved by GCPS) for students on own OR sponsors student gifts for $1000.
- Sponsor name and Link to 30 sec video on sponsor page
- Logo and verbal recognition at event.
SUpporting PARTNER: $500
- Name recognition on website, event materials and award ceremony.
- Verbal recognition during Award Ceremony
- Name recognition on website, event program